what is linguistics
What is linguistics?
Linguistics is usually defined as the
scientific study of languange. Such a statement, however, raises two further
question : what do we mean by scientifics? And what do we mean by language? The
first one can be answered relatively easily but the second needs to be examined more fully. When
we say that a linguist aims to be scientific, we mean that he attempts to study
language in much the same way as a scientist
studies physics or chemistry, that is systematically, and as far as possible
without prejudice. It means observing language use, forming hypotheses about it, testing these hypotheses
and then refining them on the basis of the evidence collected. To get a
simplified idea of what is meant, consider the following example. With regard
to english, we might make a hypothesis that adjectives always precede nouns. In
support of this hypotheses, we could produce the following acceptable uses:
A good man
A dead tree
But against aou hypotheses, we wouldfind
the following acceptable sentences:
The man is good
The tree is dead
Where our adjectives do not precede the
nouns they modif. In addition, a carefull study of the language would produce
further samples such as:
Life everlasting
Mission impossible
Where, once again, the position of the
adjective condradicts our original hypotheses. When we have carried out a
detailed examination of adjectives in english, we are in a position to say that
adjectives in english are used in two main ways: (a) they can be used
attributively, that is before a noun, as in:
A good man
And: (b) they can be used predicatively,
that is following a verb, as in:
The man is good
Such rules would cover the uses of most
adjectives in englis. It would be necessary, however, to add a further rule. In
english a finite number of adjectives, borrowed from other languages or used in
fixed phrases, follow the nouns they modify. Such a finite list would include:
Astronomer royal
Attorney general
Court martial
Heir apparent
Prince imperial
Princess royal
What is language?
A language is a set of signals by which
we communicate.
The component of language
Whe a parrotutters words or phrases in
our language, we understand them although it is reasonably safe to assume that
the parrot does not. The parrot may be able to reproduce intelligible units
from the spoken medium but has no awareness of the abstarct system behind the
medium. Similarly, if we hear a stream of sounds in a language we do not know,
we hear a stream of sounds in a language we do not know., we may recognize by
the tone of voice whether the person is angry or annoyed but the exact meaning
cludes us. To have mastery of a language, therefore, means being able to
produce an infinite number of language patterns which are comprehensible to
other users of the language and in addition, being able to decipher the
infinity of language patterns produced by other users of the language, it is
thus a two way procces involving both production and reception. As far as
speech is concerned, the process involves associating sounds with meaning and
meaning with sounds. With writing, in the other hand, language competence involves the association of a meaning( and
sometimes sounds) with a sign, a visual symbol. Thus, our study of language
will involve us in an appraisal of all of the following levels of language.
meaningful combinations of sounds
meaningful combinations of words
When we have examined these levels and
the way they interact, we will have acquired the necessary tools to study language and general (linguistics),
the variety in language and the uses to which people put
languages(sociolinguistics), the ways in which people teach and learn languages
( applied linguistics) and the value of the study of language in understanding
the human mind (psycholinguistics)
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